NEW for 2016


Jake Jasper Specializes in starting colts and working with troubled horses. He has come a long way from old fashioned " buck'em out " methods of starting colts on ranches in his younger years.  

He has spent time working with and learning from other trainers along the way as he grew and developed better methods of starting colts as well as educating horses.  He believes in building a strong foundation from the ground up.  He gives trust to the horse as he builds trust from the horse to himself.  He is a firm believer in his mottos "be as soft as you can but as firm as you have to" and " I would rather always go consistently forward than quickly backwards".  

He successfully operates Jake Jasper Horsemanship in Eagle Hill, AB where he starts many colts as well as working with afraid or troubled horses.  He also teaches horses in various western disciplines, from versatile ranch horses, reining, western pleasure, extreme trail and cutting/working cow. He hosts several colt starting and horsemanship clinics around western Canada each year.  

Jake Believes strongly that we focus so much on teaching the horses but we also need to take the time to teach the " Horse people " owners and riders, to help them connect and better move with their horses.


Slade Mutton, 24 grew up forking both ends of a horse on Horseshoe Ranch at Frobisher, SK. The ranch ran a PMU operation as well as cattle. He apprenticed and worked with various professional trainers in the USA and the Coalfields PFRA where he now manages the patron-run 2400 head cow/calf operation. Sticking to his ranching roots, he owns and breeds cattle for use in his rope horse program.

Slade offers training, lessons and clinics for horses and riders of all skill levels. He utilizes the 33,000 acres of community pasture to create a uniquely solid foundation and finish resulting in a strong partnership forged between horse and rider. He believes that wet saddle pads and concentrated training combine to build the best in an equine partner. Slade is a strong believer in different learning situations and opportunities allowing his horses to keep fresh and willing minds while building confidence from start to finish.


The Trainer Challenge, sponsored by NAERIC,  showcased the talents of three outstanding horse trainers:

» Cain Quam ~ WINNER

» Taylor Douglas

» Cory McAllister

All three amazing horseman thrilled the crowd during each session with their individual skills. In the Sunday afternoon final Cain Quam, in a very close completion was awarded the Championship custom bit designed by Wilm Saddlery of St. Brieux, SK.